Thursday, September 4, 2014

Solid Odoo deployment with Sentry

Sentry is exception events aggregator platform. its wildly used on post-deployment phase to trace unexpected errors and  logging of unusual events (which happens a lot on Odoo/OpenERP deployments).

I developed an odoo-sentry connector to help developers tracing exception on Odoo deployment/data migration/development.


  • packaged as installable odoo module.
  • flexible log details options.
  • ability to log orm exception.
  • an option to attach/detach user context. which can be used in debugging.

all these features mentioned above can be activated/deactivated easily on standard odoo config file. here are list of all available options:

  • sentry_client_dsn. (Required), you must set this to a valid dsn value. its the only required option.
  • sentry_allow_logging. (Optional. default false), if set to true. you will capture all odoo logging event that emitted by standard python logging module.
  • sentry_include_context. (Optional. default false), if set to true. Sentry will include current user context in additional information of every log.
  • sentry_allow_orm_warning. (Optional. default false). if set to true, sentry will also capture orm exceptions. 

the optional setting are level of details that should be avoided in normal circumstances. and recommended on first days of new deployments. because as Sentry team said: Shit happens, be on top of it.

Download Odoo-Sentry module